Networking: Reconnecting With Old Contacts

Networking. It is crucial for any career, but especially for military careers where you have to move a lot and need a network to help establish yourself in a new city.

You made a contact and haven’t really spoken to them in a while. Now they could help you with something. I think this is one of the most difficult parts of networking. How do you approach reconnecting with them?

Here are some tips from The Daily Muse (with customization for military SO’s) on how NOT to do it.

Mistake #1: Using the Wrong Medium

Instead: Use What You Would for Any Other Professional Communication

Don’t Facebook them. Don’t tweet at them. Don’t comment on their Tumblr. E-mail is probably best. If you want help with your profession, show them that you are professional.

Mistake #2: Being Overly Friendly

Instead: Be Pleasant, Then Get to the Point

Oops. I have done this. I tried to  be friendly but I think  I may have overdone it.  No need to try to over flatter them to get back in their good graces. Get to the point,.Why are you emailing them? What can they do for you?  I know it is scary when you have to move and you are scared about landing another job but just remember you don’t want to come across as fake. ..or worse, desperate.

Mistake #3: Assuming Someone Will Be Interested

Instead: Make Sure Your Pitch is Professional and Compelling

Nobody is going to just automatically know how awesome you are and why they should hire you. As I wrote last week, don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself. Why should they listen to you? Why should your email matter to them?

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